Dragons and etc...

Intersectionalism amongst Monsters and Hunters


loose representation of a planet in general, not exactly the planet referenced
The Both
Monsters 3,012,000,000
Are they cool? Some are?
Do they carry swords? Some of them
Are they unionized? The legal ones are
"...bears, wyverns, and gryffins, oh my!"

This place has got, like, flora and fauna! Classic fantasy style but without the other races, just humans.


There are lots of different kinds of monsters. They're normal fantasy types and are treated as basically another type of animal. The main difference is their destructive nature and they're categorized as monsters based on their danger to humans.

They lived more equally alongside humans in the past but, with humans becoming more industrialized, monsters started to fight back more against the overall spread of the human population.

Dragons and Smart Monsters

Ol' Anderson

There's, like, dragons but they're old. Wyverns are like dragons but dumber, they're pets like dogs. But dogs that can glide.

Beyond that, during a territorial struggle between dragons and other monsters, dragons gave magic to humans to aid their struggle. This helped humans move towards industrialization but ultimately angered the dragons as they felt betrayed. This Great Drake War caused the death of most dragons, with humanity thinking they were extinct. The ones that remained went into hiding for a long amount of time until a few were accidentally discovered, creating the first Marked Ones.

Marked Ones and the Draco Organization

Bearing a dragon-shaped burn mark, the marked ones are people who dragons choose as their caretaker for whomever's lifetime is spans. It started from psychic bonds formed from the original people who found their respective dragons manifesting as a physical mark, thought of as the resulting magic of repeatedly meeting together.

The dragon can call on the companion through a psychic link and, in return, the companion can draw on the dragon's magical power. There's been attempts to explore the depth of this connection, but the dragons are (reasonably) reserved about working with the government.

While dragons were connecting with humans, there were still groups who loved hunting them for sport. Anderson[1] collected a group of folk who wished to end this hunt and, with his large sum of family funds, sucessfully criminalized hunting them. With this group, he founded the Draco Organization, after discovering one of them was a marked one. The organization registers the dragons, their caretakers, and all the different resources that keeps them sated. One such resource is a group of talented alchemists. They're paid to go to the dragons and literally shower them in gold. This drives them wild.

Drake Archive Society

Look at this nerdy outfit

The Drake Archive Society[2] is a group of scribes dedicated to gathering history from the viewpoint of the dragons. Their goal is to make a most complete grasp of history and they often ask about known events to compel different opinions and frame of reference. It's often a difficult process to get accepted into the society and, as such, it's a small group of scribes, maybe around thirty.

The group was started before the Draco Organization was formed so it's a separate group. But both groups work together to compile information on the dragons. The Draco Org supplies them with known dragon locations and the Society shares the stories the dragons tell, often leading to many published books between the two.

Hunters and Bountyhands

Bountyhand normcore

Hunters hunt monsters and sometimes animals for money or sport. There's the good ones who are either officially recognized or just do good and there's the bad ones, who hunt for black market hires or blood sport. Some are celebrities, mainly taking endorsements and only doing hunts when government figures or high profile people call for them. Others are just day-to-day hunters, either helping with monster population control or culling nuisances and such.


Each legal hunter has a bountyhand. Required to be magicians, they handle the legal side of their work and dealing with whatever cleanup and damages that need to be dealt with. Field bountyhands are trained to travel to the hunter's remote area to open or close bounties for "hunters on the go!" Office bountyhands, nicknamed officehands, are the ones who mostly deal with the paperwork of applications, payments, drafting contracts, and hiring bounty cleaners. They also work with the hunters who are able to come into the office and also the ones who might need a little extra help.

The muscle of the bountyhands is the bounty cleaners. They go after delinquent hunters who fake bounty clears, hold onto bounties (both the contract and the actual bounty) for ransom, or other issues with bounties that need to be fixed in a timely manner. Equipped with a weapon of their choice, they go after the hunter and often achieve their goal quickly. If there's any issue, top tier hunters are rallied to assist with an elite rescue bounty.

There are many different companies that deal with bounties. Like banks, there are government ones, like the Federal Bounty Institution[3] and shady ones, like Red Hand Bounty Co. Black market bounties are often hits taken out on public figures or those wanting some form of protected monsters or animals.

Popular Hunters

Specialized in hunting people, Starspeed is a hunter with rodeo beginnings who found more pride in her sword skills than rope ones
Vonne and Emelia
Two hunters that specialize in snowy climate monsters and snow pirates, where you basically combine Visigoths and sea pirates to get them
Hunter some days, college student others, he uses his magical family brooch to help him with bounties to help fund school

Other Maybe Useful Links

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Quite the temporary box for possibly temporary things.

Snarky Comments on my Past Self

  1. Officially a momonym. Dude didn't like his first name and discarded it like a wet rag in his youth.
  2. a.k.a. a bunch of NERDS...
  3. Totally unintentional but hilarious that it's the FBI