X-Men AU
X-Men AU | |
Alternate universe X-Men story | |
Xavier's Institute | |
Schools | Xavier's Institute |
Magneto's Rival Military School | |
Rich Boy Country Club | |
Setting | |
1990's | and things |
Imagine: an X-Men where Professor Xavier wasn't ashamed of his son, Legion, and had him as the center of his team at his institute. This AU is that idea, with many of the respective members spread around in different factions.
- 1. Groups
- 2. Plot
- 3. Media
- 4. Snarky Comments on my Past Self
Xavier's Institute

Legion, here known as David, is the leader of the group. Colossus, Magik and Pixie were quickly brought in afterwards. Later, from another school, came Jean Grey, Blindfold, and Bling to overpower the team with girl power.
Magneto's Military School

This group is centered around his twins Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Iceman joined shortly after, followed by Quentin Quire and Jubilee, who are there mainly for the military school aspect.
Country Club a.k.a. The Cabana Boys
This group is helmed by Cyclops, Angel, and Beast. Juggernaut, Toad, and Apocalypse were brought in after more visibly showing their mutations and basically being pitied. It's held together by Wolverine and Forge, who both work at the country club.
Emma's Pending Name School
The mutants in this group are a few leftovers from Moira's school, with some students being Polaris, Cannonball, and Shadowcat and teachers being Psylocke, Sunfire, and Storm.
Xavier and Moira both started schools in the US and Europe to care for mutants in both countries. Xavier took David (Legion) since his powers seemed similar to his own. He took in Colossus, Magik, and Pixie as a favor to some friends then, soon after, started showing them off to attract prospective students.
With the classic power difference in mind, Magneto started a separate school, touted as a military academy, on the West coast. In a shaky agreement with Magneto and Xavier, Moira opened another school, but in Canada. The advertised it as a collective and planned more schools in different countries.
Anti-mutant folks took offense to this and eventually got funding pulled for the new school a year after it was built. Many of the students were transferred to Magneto's military school, under the idea that Magneto's school would be safer. Only three went to Xavier's Institute, Bling, Blindfold, and Jean Grey. They commanded the social scene (specifically Jean Grey) and soon the faces of the school were David, Colossus, and Jean Grey.
Main Events
Eventually, the Phoenix Force comes to Earth but it comes for both David and Jean. It uses them both but still ends with Jean Grey dying. David is able to sucessfully expell the Force but it causes the personalities he's been keeping at bay to come forth and he ultimately leaves for the safety of the other students. Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Magik then become the leads of the team.
Jean Grey, Magik, and Pixie discover the Country Club Boys and start attending their parties. Jean has a fling with Cyclops and Magik and Pixie become good friends with the rest of them. Xavier eventually finds out by finding one of the boys in the mansion and offers membership. He extends it to the rest of them and they mostly decline, except for Toad and Apocalypse's parents. They decide to keep it from the rest of the club. Xavier pays Wolverine to update him on their activites.
During the Institute and Military School's Semi-Annual Banquet (a forced meeting agreed upon to help boost morale and decrease tension), Magik, Pixie, and Scarlet Witch bond over the occult. They send letters back and forth and, through studies, discover Limbo. They make a plan to go, as two without Pixie, and end up getting stuck. Pixie tells Xavier and they lead the team into Limbo to save them both.
Nightcrawler and Magik start dating but Magik is slowly becoming obsessed with Limbo. Eventually, Scarlet Witch discovers this due to still studying it and warns them. She travels to the school to warn them after they didn't heed her words and has a fight with Magik. This causes her to accidentally open a portal to Limbo, causing fear in the area.
Still being friends with Beast, he brings Forge to work with Xavier on a solution. They ultimately decide that Magik has to be on the other side to permanently close the portal. Knowing it wouldn't be permanent, she charges headfirst into the portal so Beast can close it. After it closes, they wait for Magik's reappearance, but she never shows up.
Scarlet Witch attempts to contact her with her powers but gets feedback and finds she's unable to access the realm. Beast studies what he can of Limbo and discovers that, with Magik in the realm, her power makes it unable to access the realm. Then they realize Magik will never return. They hold a vigil where Nightcrawler vows to make sure the X-Men live on in her honor. In Limbo, Magik is being crowned the queen.
Here's some cool stuff I made:
Snarky Comments on my Past Self
- Ideally set in the 90's, but some of my art isn't era-appropriate...